The focus is on consulting in areas like large programs, projects, or other initiatives for large change or improvement work within the business.
Experienced leader and manager with a broad experience from many organizations, roles and areas. Extensive international experience from many large international companies and assignments. Have driven and participated in numerous large change programs, spanning multiple countries. Experience from multiple outsourcing/right shoring/carve out programs/projects, using multiple frameworks (SAFE, Prince, ITIL, ....).
Worked with most aspects of company business processes, including in multiple own management roles. Combined technical and financial background and experience (master of science, almost bachelor of economy, internal international Business School, ...). Worked in roles as Engagement Director, COO, Strategic partner Manager, Supplier Manager, Delivery Manager, Product Manager, Environment Owner, Key Account Manager, Quality Manager, Operations Manager, Administrative Manager, IT Owner, part of Architecture board, Methods council, ... This has given good and wide insights into business needs, common issues, and key requirements.
Good at creating a holistic view and plan from diverse needs, ideas and requirements, moving forth and back between details and high level. Good at achieving results through collaboration with people and teams, combining the strengths and competences from many into a team working towards shared goals. Used to roles becoming the glue aligning and coordinating between business, architects, applications, finance, vendors and technology teams.
Work with a high personal commitment to bridge business needs and technical possibilities within defined budgets and with minimized risks. Have enjoyed many types of sports and club memberships. In areas like soccer team, table tennis, tennis, golf, pool, Radio controlled flying, … Nowadays member of a kayak club.
Linkedin endorsements are not public unless connected. Below are endorsements from Linkedin as received after I became consultant. They are less than half of the endorsed skill areas I have. I extracted them to provide an "in the eye of the beholder" view of my perceived skills as consultant.
Further details on experience and skills: Linkedin
More about me (with job section): (large screen web site)
Linkedin videos are not shown public unless connected. Below are videos I have made for LinkedIn.
Team work opportunities after Covid: Teams In Covid Times
Team coordination in large programs: Large Program Team coordination
Team autonomy through program standups: Program Standup for autonomy
By post:
Mats MIB Consulting AB
C/O Mats Bengtsson
Östra Bernadottesgatan 83
216 17 Limhamn
By digital media:
phone: +46 708 877 216
Org number
VAT number:
Mats MIB Consulting AB
Bankgiro: 5810-1288